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22 October 2014

Be More Succesful

Because of the law of cause and effect, there are causes for everything.

Everything that occurs has definite causes.

If you want something specific to occur, then you must affect the specific causes.
If success is what you wish to achieve you must affect the specific success causes.

What are the causes of success?

Good question!

One way to answer it is to look at numerous instances of "success" and try to discover the common elements that are present in all the instances.
You might examine fifty successful people and look for their common characteristics.
What three or four characteristics are shared by all fifty successful people and which of these causes are the agents of their success
Answer that question and you will discover some valuable information!
Here is my answer to the same question:

What are the three or four distinguishing characteristics that are shared by all successful people and which are the causal agents of their success?

My answer:
  1. Ability to work for long periods of time without seeing instant payoff
  2. The ability to recognise that the project is viable even though there seems to be NO
    evidence in the early month's years
  3. The ability to keep learning and growing
  4. The ability to work in harmony with others
Let us say a few words about each of these

1. Ability to work for long periods of time without seeing instant payoff

Most people want instant gratification.
Children want the reward immediately after they do the work.
Low paid workers get paid weekly.
Higher paid workers get paid monthly
The highest paid workers get their quarterly bonus
Many of the biggest earners have to wait for years before they will see the fruits of their labour
The ability to work now in the hope of future reward: what psychologists call delayed gratification of desires" is the hallmark of the developed personality; the intelligent being.
By contrast: the "Show me the money up front" mentality is short-range and immature by comparison.
Success demands long range planning and delayed gratification

2. The ability to recognise that the project is viable even though there seems to be no evidence in the early months or years

Closely allied to this delayed gratification is an awareness of the difference between a goal and a wish
The ability to see the difference between: viable proposition and a NON viable proposition


JFK saw that the Apollo moon shot was a viable project
And from where he stood, in 1962, that identification was a great and astute piece of thinking
Compare that to Napoleon Bonaparte's attempt to invade Russia in 1805 with men ON foot in the winter. A very bad decision
It is a great skill to rationally determine what projects you should chase
And those tantalizing projects you will refrain from chasing

Success demands you make wise investments of time money and effort on those viable projects

Don't chase those sexy but non - viable projects
Success demands that you: Choose your goals carefully

3. The ability to keep learning and growing

Successful people continue to grow throughout their lives.
They develop their view.
Most people from their opinions in their formative years and then stop thinking. Many become stubborn and inflexible. They refuse to accept changes. They don't vary their responses.
Their knowledge based becomes obsolete.
Whereas: Winners keep re-inventing themselves
Examples of people who keep re-inventing themselves
Madonna: From Material Girl to the Queen of pop to Business genius
Arnold Schwarzenegger: From Mr. Universe to The terminator to The governor

4. The ability to work in harmony with others

No matter how smart you are, you cannot succeed without the cooperation and support of others.
Most successful people are collaborative.
They understand how to motivate people; they get the support and the cooperation of the team.
If they ever lose the support of colleagues, they are doomed- no matter how good they are.
Margate Thatcher (who never lost a general election) lost power because she lost the support of her own "friends"
In conclusion
In order to be successful develop the following skills
The Ability to work for long periods of time without seeing instant payoff
The ability to recognise that the project is viable even though there seems to be no evidence in the early month's years
The ability to keep learning and growing

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