Bulletin Hub



04 January 2015

It's Time You Decide Who You Want To Be

One of the most positive things that you can do for yourself is to decide, consciously, how and who you want to be.As a human being you have the capacity to choose who you are.As a human being, with a fully functioning brain, you have the capacity to choose your own personality. 

You can exercise your power of choice; you can choose whether you will be lazy or industrious. You can choose whether you will leave in time to arrive early, or risk being late. You can choose your words carefully or you can say things that are ill-chosen and cause damage. 

You can choose to control your temper or you can let them have both barrels.
You can choose to moderate your food consumption or you can pig out.
You can choose to go to bed early so you are fully functioning the next day, or you can choose to stay up late and drag yourself into work the next morning.

You are unique on the planet

Humans are the only animals on the planet with brains complex enough to philosophize.
NO other animal on the planet has philosophy.
Philosophy is a uniquely human attribute.
Your philosophy is the basis of your personality.

Your philosophy is your views on whether or not you think there is a God.
Your philosophy is whether or not you believe in logic.

Your philosophy is your thoughts about what is good and evil; right and wrong.
Your philosophy includes your politics and your view of economics and even your view on what constitutes good taste in art and in fashion. 

No animal, other than humans, debate the meaning of life, or what is ethical, or how we should fairly distribute the resources of the planet. NO other animal on the planet thinks about the proper way to win new customers, nor which political party is the best. 

Your personal philosophy is the one thing that makes you human and the one thing that makes you, YOU. It is important that you take conscious control of your philosophy and decide who you are; and what you want to be. 

You can choose to be who you want to be

You don't have to be what others expect.
You don't have to be like your parents.
You don't have to be like your friends. 

You can change into whatever you choose to be, simply by using the power that is already inside you. The power is the power to choose your thoughts.
Think it through. How do you think you should think? Logically or illogically?
How do you think you should communicate? With clarity and finesse? or without clarity and with no finesse?
How hard should you work?
Should you give your work your best efforts? Or should you see how little you can get away with doing?

How should you conduct yourself?
You get to choose! 
But please choose wisely and choose consciously.
Please don't conduct yourself without giving the matter your deepest thought.
Don't just do what the others do.
Don't just repeat the programming of the past. Don't just let your hormones (testosterone or estrogen) be the determining factor that decides how you will treat others.
Instead, be a philosophically advanced being

Decide HOW you want to be: decide WHO you want to be; decide how you want to relate to others, decide how you want to conduct yourself and then, live by those decisions, every day, even on the days that you don't feel like it.

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