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29 January 2015

Stop Playing The Blame Game


Stop blaming others and you will become the most powerful person in your life. Playing the blame game is not going to do anything for you or the person your blaming. Let me explain.

Your life is not going quite as great as you had hoped for and you are not really sure why. So you begin to find people to blame for your frustration.

If you're married you may blame your spouse for not being there for you, or for not supporting you and your ideas, or maybe you are still blaming your parents for not raising you right, or you blame your boss for not recognizing your work more, or you blame the doctors for telling you have an issue you don't want.

There's a lot of people you can blame and most of us do. But the moment you decide to take complete and total responsibility for your life, your life WILL change.

Because the person your blaming is not really that important because you're the only one who can change your life and you're the only one who has any real power to change your life.

The first thing you need to change is your thoughts

Start by consciously thinking new thoughts. Make it a point to think something positive about yourself and your life daily.

I know that there's a lot of us who talk about positive thinking but it's so important to your well-being that it's worth hearing again and again. Affirmations are also a great way to guide your life in a more positive way.

Here's an example, this is a thought that would cause you to feel crappy, "why doesn't anything work out the way I want it to?" This thought is a very negative thought and it'll make you feel negative.

So as soon as you have this thought replace it with this thought, "what can I do differently next time to have better results?" This thought allows you to take responsibly and it also helps point you in the direction of a solution.

Here's another good example, "why does ( fill in the blank) always make me feel so unwelcome and not good enough?" This is a typical thought for someone who is suffering from low self esteem.

Here's it's replacement, "I am welcome wherever I feel comfortable being regardless of what anyone else thinks."

See how these thoughts can help you take responsibility for your own feelings and actions? These thoughts will help you come up with solutions instead of focusing on the problems.
Focus on solutions

The next time you are tempted to go off on a tangent and start blaming others, stop and reclaim your power by thinking a new thought.

Don't keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. You must do something different if you want to have something different to happen in your life.

It sounds so simple because it is. You have an enormous amount of power of your thoughts, feelings and actions but if you don't own it someone else will.

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